Thoughts from Crow Cottage (My Main Blog.)

crowbelle's Diaryland Diary


The Last Hurrah

The Last Hurrah...

All good things must come to an end, so they say. And it's true. You can't go on ad infinitum with a life that is worry-free, work-free and happy-go-lucky, as mine has been these past two weeks.


They call them "vacations" here in the States, but "holidays" or "breaks" over in England. And though I was born here in the States in this incarnation, I firmly believe I am English to the core, and that England has been my home more often than not over my lifetimes. I am missing England just about now, too. This would have been our year for visiting that sceptered isle - in fact, we probably would be home by now from our trip, and savouring the happy memories we'd made while there. But we'd also be very worn out and tired - that trip is very exhausting, and the older we get, the moreso it is!

But financial constrictions came into play this year, so we put off our trip back to the UK for another year, and are now looking forward with much anticipation to next year's "holiday" abroad.

As for this year's holiday, it was good for me. Paul actually had an unexpected time off from his regular work as a lobsterman because his boat malfunctioned, and he had to repair it - which took the good part of a week to accomplish. So he had some "down time" around here and got a lot done, much to my delight.

I spent way too much money during my Holiday, too. Isn't that always the way? You get your two weeks' vacation pay up front and you feel like a millionnaire with all that cash in the checking account. It's almost too much to handle, really. It just seems that you are bound to spend it on extras while on holiday, rather than stashing it away, like you ought, into the savings, or better yet, IRA account! But noooooo! Into the old checkbook it went, and out again just as fast.

You see, I needed a few things while on holiday.

I got a new vacuum cleaner, for one thing. Not a luxury item, for sure, but an item I needed if I were going to be doing any cleaning at all. My old Hoover upright konked out on me for the second time, and I had lost patience with it. So I got an Electrolux Oxygen Ultra machine and am loving it.

Then there was all the yard work we did. And Home Depot nearby has a great garden needless to say, they got quite a bit of my brass up there!

I took a trip into Target the other day... just looking to see if they had any of Paul's bread machine bread mixes (which they didnt'!) and I got a little waylaid in the "Electronics" department and came away with a new 13" color tv for the breakfast room, a new bedspread, and a new Panasonic VCR/DVD player. It's my first DVD player and I've been wanting one for a long time. I feel like I've finally entered the 21st century now.

So, yesterday my holiday ended. Even though it IS the weekend, and most folks get a rest on their weekends, I have been to the office, picked up my typing for Monday, and am thinking about starting in on it soon. Tomorrow, Sunday, I will get into it in earnest, and hopefully will get most of it done and out of the way before Monday rolls around.

So it's back to work for another 50 weeks, until the next holiday in 2006 when we will fly this coop in search of Yorkshire!



11:53 am - 21 May 2005


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