Thoughts from Crow Cottage (My Main Blog.)

crowbelle's Diaryland Diary


Two tales to tell...

Back around 1967 or so, I had a boyfriend, Gary, whom I loved with all my heart. We had been going together for a few years, since I was 15 actually, until I was 19. My formative high school years. He was my whole world.

Not that I didn't have other boyfriends before and after - I did - but Gary, at that time, was my everything.

One day he came to my house to talk to me. He told me the tale that broke my heart. He had met the sister of his Navy buddy, and he wanted to date her occasionally. He wanted my permission to date other people.

I threw a temper-tantrum, as well as my shoes at Gary in my mother's living room, and told him I never wanted to see him again.

I cried for months and months after that.

But it was over, for all intents and purposes, between us.

I moved on. I married my first husband in 1970, divorced him in 1977, married another high school heart-throb (Paul) in 1986, and here we are almost 21 years later.

The reason I'm telling you this story, here at my journal at Diaryland, is because I'm asking Diaryland if I can "see other" journal/blogs.

I don't want to actually end my journal here, because it's been so good to me, and I have quite a few years of posts built up here. But I have built a new blog, and I find I'm wanting to go there when I have something to say, rather than here.

It's kind of the same as with Gary. But I'm hoping that Diaryland won't throw shoes at me, like I did to Gary, and kick me out completely.

So I'm keeping this journal for now, and I'm using my new journal for the moment. It is as follows:

Crow Cottage, Actually

Since I wrote the above, years have gone by and if you are here reading this, please note that I am currently doing a blog at JournalScape now here:

Thoughts from Crow Cottage

I hope I can remain friends with all of you readers here. Life, if you are lucky, is a long process, and sometimes the players change in mid-stream.

Thanks and Cheers,


12:18 pm - 20 February 2007


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